Joyful Palliative Care

How can you make the care of ill or aging people joyful?

1. Expand Your Treatment Toolbox - Learn which evidence-supported integrative symptom management tools to use and when to use them. When your patients feel better, you'll feel better.

2. Develop Your Healing Presence - Become a centered and powerful healing presence for your patients and their families.

3. Know Yourself - Figure out how you rob yourself of joy, how to stop, and what to do instead.

4. Become a Heart-Centered Leader - Leadership is crucial but you don't want to be that kind of leader. Learn how to lead in a way that makes you proud.

5. Fill Your Cup - When you're depleted, hard things are harder. Create a clear and actionable plan to keep your "cup" full even when life is stressful.


Do I have to be a palliative care provider to take this program? Nope. Anyone who cares for ill or aging patients or clients is welcome.

Who will be leading the program? Delia Chiaramonte, MD is a Board-certified  palliative care physician who is also certified by the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine. She will create and lead the program.

How long with the program be? It will be between 5 and 8 weeks. We will meet weekly by Zoom and there will be plenty resources that you can consume on your own time

Joyful Palliative Care Waiting List

If you're a heart-centered clinician caring for those who are aging or ill, you know that your work can be both frustrating and meaningful.

Did you know that it can also be joyful?

If this idea sparks something in you, join the Joyful Palliative Care waiting list. 

No commitment whatsoever, but you'll be the first to know when the program is ready.

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