The Sage Physician:
Integrative Symptom Management &
Mental Fitness Coaching
Do you wish that practicing medicine felt more satisfying?
Empowering oncology and palliative care physicians to master integrative symptom management and nurture their own wellbeing
Learn & connect with like-minded physicians.
20+ CME credits
If you are inspired by the art of medicine, understand the wisdom of the whole-person approach, and appreciate evidence-informed integrative practice, this program is for you.
You'll learn to craft effective integrative treatment plans designed to reconnect you with the joy of practicing medicine, create happier patients, increase your wellbeing, and differentiate your practice.
Sign up nowIncluded in your training

Patient care tools
Teach your patients practical, easy and effective tools to relieve their physical and emotional suffering. When they feel better, you feel better.

Transform in community
Share the journey with like-minded physicians who believe in deep empathy for our patients AND radical attention to our own wellbeing.
This program is for you if...
✔ You are an oncology or palliative care physician who wants more evidence-supported tools to manage your patients' symptoms.
✔ You want to reconnect with the joy of practicing medicine.
✔ You want to add an integrative approach to your practice but you're not sure how to make it happen
✔ You believe that you deserve to be well, happy and fulfilled.
What our students are saying

You are amazing!!
"Miss it already!!! What an incredible course and community! Thank you so much for your hard work, dedication, leadership, and deeply impactful content…Both life and clinical practice changing, and provided light back into my clinical vision. You are amazing!! Highly recommend this course to all who may get the opportunity!"
Jillian Rigert, DMD, MD
(oral medicine)

Helped to inspire me to open my own integrative medicine practice!
"(Dr. Chiaramonte) is an engaging leader and teacher, always stimulating lively discussions and leading the group to think outside the box... the course helped to inspire me to open my own integrative medicine practice! (Dr. Chiaramonte) masterfully transfers her passion for medicine to her students."
Mollie Sourwine, MD
(family medicine)

The self-care aspect has been a very valuable addition to my practice.
"This course contained information on how to continue to honor yourself as you practice in challenging areas of medicine. This is actually the most surprising and valuable thing I got from the course. The subject content was great too... but I think the self-care aspect has been a very valuable addition to my practice."
Sarah Merritt, MD
(anesthesia and pain management)

One of the top educators in her field.
"Dr. Delia Chiaramonte is the most caring, experienced, and knowledgeable integrative and palliative medicine provider that I have been fortunate enough to work beside. Not only does she have an amazing impact on her patients, but she is one of the top educators in her field. I can honestly say that she has shaped my career in medicine, and I am so grateful to consider her a mentor."
Elyse Demers, MD
(palliative medicine)

I highly recommend it.
"Taking care of patients with serious illnesses is not a one size fits all; instead, it involves thinking beyond conventional medical care and treating the whole person through the integrative palliative approach. This program does an excellent job of teaching physicians all the great benefits of integrative care to patients and themselves. I highly recommend it.”
Angela Choi, MD
(palliative medicine)

So much valuable information!
"Priceless modules that I will go back to over and over again. They are filled with so much valuable information! However the most priceless: the community of like-minded physicians who are trying to practice heart-centered healing without losing ourselves in the process, or practicing in a way that does not align with our inner path."
Mitra Ayazifar, MD
Sign Up Today
Join us and you can be on your way to creating an exciting new practice

Integrative Symptom Management
- Six month Integrative Symptom Management course: evidence-supported tools to treat pain, anxiety, insomnia, depression, stress, and more
- Highly practical skills for patient and physician wellbeing, including EFT/tapping, guided imagery, and other mind-body tools
- Advanced counseling skills such as cognitive behavioral skills, positive psychology tools, motivational interviewing and more
- Scripts to make complex conversations easier
- Skill development in time management, boundary setting, leadership skills, and more
- A unique and effective stress management approach
- Wellbeing skills including values assessment, strength identification, and
"fill your cup" exercises - Sample patient cases outlining the integrative symptom management approach
- 24 weekly modules over six months
- Group coaching with Dr. Chiaramonte 2 times per month
- Office hours with Dr. Chiaramonte 1 time per month
- Monthly video to enhance your learning
- Access to personalized support from Dr. Chiaramonte via text
- Private Facebook page so you can communicate with your peers
- Guest lectures from integrative medicine experts
The Sage Physician
- Everything included in the Integrative Symptom Management Program
- Everything Included in the Physician Mental Fitness Program
- Half-day Sage Physician retreat (remote) focused on your wellbeing and personal growth
- Sage Physician bookclub
- Special guest lectures
- Case discussions with Dr. Chiaramonte
- Sage Physician alumnae group
- Fun "I'm a Sage Physician" swag
- More than $1,000 savings compared to buying the 2 programs individually

Mental Fitness Coaching
- Six months of personalized Mental Fitness coaching. Mental fitness is the ability to respond to stress with a neutral or positive mindset, rather than a negative one
- Powerful 7-week positive intelligence program (based on the work of Shirzad Chamine)
- Weekly group pod meetings by Zoom led by Dr Chiaramonte
- Weekly learning video, and personalized app to support daily positive intelligence practice
- Positive Intelligence e-book
- Personalized identification of your unique "Saboteurs" (negative internal voices)
- Practice growing your "Sage" powers: Empathy, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate
- 1 year access to the app
- After the 7 week intensive program, group coaching with Dr. Chiaramonte every other week to complete 6 months
- Two videos per month sent to your email inbox to enhance your mental fitness
- Two sessions of 1:1 coaching with Dr. Chiaramonte to work on the issue of your choice
Development of a transformative skill set that enables you to recognize and redirect your negative self-talk towards your wiser selfBy strengthening your mental fitness, you redefine your relationship with stressful events, equipping yourself with the tools to navigate difficult situations with calm and ease.
Program Details
Get to Know Dr. Chiaramonte
Our Mission
The Integrative Palliative Institute will train 1,000 physicians in integrative symptom management by 2030, because every physician deserves to love their work, and every patient deserves an effective and joyful physician.
Not the right time?
If this isn't the right time for you to join our program - no worries!
Sign up below to stay in touch.
You'll find out when our next course opens, learn about important updates in the field and get The Integrative Palliative Podcast sent right to your inbox.
If you want to change your practice now, go reserve your spot up above! If you're not ready quite yet, sign up here.
I look forward to getting to know you!
- Dr. Chiaramonte

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